Termite Control (Commercial)

We are one of an elite group of licensed pest control companies that are trained and specialize in Tentless Termite Treatments for the prevention and elimination of drywood termites. In the past, tenting and fumigation was the only way to treat for drywood termites. But, as scientists discover safer and more effective products such as Termidor, fumigation is quickly becoming a thing of the past.
Fumigation preparation requires that everyone and almost everything inside the house be removed for several days. After everything is removed, the pest control company places a large tarp over the entire house and pumps in Vikane gas. Once they determine the termites have been killed, the tarps are removed, and there is absolutely no residual termiticide left behind to prevent a termite reinfestation. You could get termites the next day.
With Treasure Coast Pest Control's Tentless Termite Treatment, the termiticide residual lasts for years. Our customers can renew their annual termite guarantees for up to 10 years. And best of all, the only things that have to leave your house are the termites! Your neighbors will never even have to know your house was treated for termites. Furthermore, if you do experience a reinfestation, we will provide a retreatment at no additional charge.
Property managers: We have successfully treated many apartment complexes for drywood Termites and no one had to move. Can you imagine the time and expense involved in moving all of your tenants and their belongings out of their apartment for 3 to 4 days? With our tentless termite treatment, the only things moving out are the termites.